Archive for August, 2018|Monthly archive page

One for Tuilaepa Sailele, avant la lettre

Sailele, the prime minister of Samoa, delivered a speech in Sydney, Australia, 30 August Tuilaepa-Sailele2018, wherein he said that “Any leader … who believes that there is no climate change I think he ought to be taken to mental confinement, he is utter[ly] stupid and I say the same thing for any leader here who says there is no climate change.”

2012, the year the world was supposed to end, I had a similar sentiment, except, of course, expressed poetically. You can read it here.

QAnon as (post)modern art redux

reve-steichThings move at, well, the speed of light in the on-line world.

A new acquaintance brought my attention to how the QAnon conspiracy theory phenomenon bears resemblance to the earlier activities of the Italian Autonomist art group(s) Luther Blisset and  Wu Ming. I’d started a post to supplement my earlier rhetorical probing from May, but this morning I found this article that already maps the same ground.

History moves fast!