Archive for the ‘March End Prill’ Tag

Hell’s Printing House: Luffere & Oþere: Amoretti from Marchend Prill (2003)

Aside from the pages of little magazines and those of certain, indulgent anthologies, by poems really first made their way in the world in the form of chapbooks. I hadn’t yet published a full-length trade edition, when I went on a “European tour” in 1996, reading in Munich (twice), Heidelberg, and Amsterdam, two self-published chapbooks, Gloze (1995) and On the Phantom Air Ship Mystery (1995), my calling cards.

Joachim Utz, the sponsor of my reading at Heidelberg University’s Anglistiches Seminar, observed that my chapbooks reminded him of William Blake’s. This new category of post takes its inspiration from his remark. “Hell’s Printing House” will showcase my chapbooks, describing them, detailing their contents, linking poems that have already been published at Poeta Doctus, and presenting a new recording of one of their poems.

It is hoped these posts fill the lacunae between full-length collections, assuring those (apparently) few (and valued) readers who follow my production with interest that I am hard at work, going my own direction, at my own pace, trusting those intrigued might be charmed enough to tarry along….

The first five chapbooks I’d bound were made to collect and “publish” work otherwise unpublished in periodical or book form. Luffere & Oþere marked a departure, as it was the first chapbook that collated the poems I was to perform at a reading. At the time, Ilona Martonfi organized (among many other events) an annual Valentine’s Day reading, “Lovers and Others,” and kindly invited me to read. I don’t remember exactly what reasons I gave myself at the time, but it seemed somehow appropriate to have the poems I would read ready in print-form for interested parties, a good opportunity to issue a new chapbook, a practice I was to maintain for many years. Luffere & Oþere are the oldest forms of the words ‘lovers’ and ‘others’ in English.

Not only was this chapbook the first made for a reading, but it is also the first with original artwork (in this case, two collages) for the flyleaf, outer and inner:

However much amor is one of the great poetic themes, it’s not one I have often dared (except for one poem, known only to my closest friends). However, at the time, I had written a poetic sequence, an extension of the concerns motivating X Ore Assays and Seventh Column, that was to be published years later in 2011 by Book*hug, March End Prill. This sequence, compositionally, adhered to a resolutely Surrealist poetic (“the dictation of thought in the absence of all control exercised by reason and outside all moral or aesthetic concerns”), informed as much by Breton as by ethnopoetics:

Songs are thoughts, sung out with the breath when people are moved by great forces & ordinary speech no longer suffices. Man is moved just like the ice floe sailing here and there in the current. His thoughts are driven by a flowing force when he feels joy, when he feels fear, when he feels sorry. Thoughts can wash over him like a flood, making his breath come gasps & his heart throb. Something like an abatement in the weather will keep him thawed up. And then it will happen that we, who always think we are small, will feel smaller still. And we will fear to use words. But it will happen that the words we need will come of themselves. When the words we want to use shoot up of themselves—we get a new song.—Orpingalik

At any rate, I combed through March End Prill and abstracted a sample of, if not all, the poems defensibly “erotic.” The titles are their first lines or the first words thereof:


  • falling asleep
  • she was coming for supper
  • durée
  • dear Wife
  • we must really be out of touch
  • Can’t wait for you
  • mornings spooned
  • When I get the chance
  • my old friend dumped his
  • Godammit! Love’s
  • Bedrock

Here’s a new recording of these poems, for those who missed the reading!

Next month: For a Few Golden Ears (2004).

NoPoMo 2018 (4): something cheeky


she was coming for supper


he sliced two fresh avocado

egg yolk lemon wedge squeeze dribble

& dill then olive oil drizzled in & whisked

sauced over slices fanned out

over one side of the plate the other

halved boiled little new pink potatoes

tossed in chopped purple onion

grape seed oil red wine vinegar

 & a tsp Dijon


the main dish cubed pears

eggplant Szechwan  marinated firm tofu

chopped celery & ground ginger

sautéed in olive oil with a drop of sesame

dripped in for a hint of the Orient

a big bottle of Uncle Ben’s

Sweet Soy Sauce dumped on

all served on Shanghai noodles


he wore his nicest apron

but no pants having plucked

each fine wiry glossy black hair

from around his anus washed

oiled & perfumed so its folds

and puckers glistened in the candlelight


From March End Prill (Book*hug, 2011)

NoPoMo 2018 (3): A Post-secular poem avant le lettre

Lift the flame

Luciferous hissing

blue out the lighter

Light the incens

uous resins

crackle in the bowl


Son &

Holy Ghost

Each cardinal direction

dawn morning sun

in branches



Southern Cross



Ol’ Rope-a

accidental occident

all that’s left’s

True North

“I believe”

Lichen yellows

Shady bark


From  (Book*hug, 2011)

For the moment, a poem…

201118_lIn No Man’s Land

Wise Kung Fu


Waited out

One whole moon

on ‘is lutestrings


What tunes could fill those twentyeight days a woman’s monthly round

Did he have a copy of the classic anthology at his fingers’ tips

Asleep fingers twitch dreamquick licks


from March End Prill

Saint Patrick’s Day 2003

Below is a poem from my 2011 volume March End Prill (BookThug) marking an intersection of the calendar’s circle and history’s line of singularities.

Saint Patrick’s Day 2003


libera agonalia nefastus publicus

I’d love to tell of sudden fish



late end of January Friday afternoon

New Square Fish Market New Square NY NY Luis

Luis Nivelo single handed lifts a flashing carp on the scale 20lb

Then out and down club up to club it for Sabbath gefilte

    tzaruch     shemirah     hasof     bah    !

Diablo! 57-year-old Skver Hasid Zalmen Rosen

11 children “Luis, what?!” I heard that fish talk! 

tzaruch     shemirah    Old Abraham

buried last week? Adonai?    hasof     bah

“account for yourself

“the end is near

“pray & study the Torah”



St Patrick’s: Shamrock Irish triple deities

long before Patrick’s Trinity; Roman festival

of Mars, an enormous phallus paraded

through the streets: green for sex festivals the fashion;

Middle Ages the day Noah boarded the Ark:

World Maritime Day.



…Saddam Hussein’s got 48 hours…

…the Day of Iraq’s Liberation is near…

…do not destroy oil wells…

…do not follow orders to use Weapons of Mass Destruction…

…“I was just following orders” no excuse…

…we are a peaceful people…

…not intimidated by thuggery or murder…

…new and undeniable realities…

…a policy of appeasement toward…

…plotters of chemical, biological, or nuclear terror…

…the just demands of the world…

…to overcome violence…

…the future we choose…

…& may God continue

to bless America



Thursday morning Kenneth Masterson out the front door for his paper

“five or six dead fish about 10 or 12 inches long out by th’edge of my yard”

in the street more some rush hour road kill more across

“don’t look like they’ve been hooked”

might be white bass no ponds or lakes near

“really bad storms I wonder if some twister didn’t just pickemup & dropem”



imagine being “jess a pohet”

in Baghdad; who gives a fugg


if you care little abt Saddam

& less abt Geawge Dablya,


jess wanna pen yr little

quirky sufi scrapings


in peace, pumpin yr 2 wives — thassall

ye kin afford– chewing yr majoun like:


you’ll be incinerated along with them

maddogs jess ’cause ya happen to be an Iraqi!!!


I believe it ain’t unright fr me to

feel some solidarity with benighted pohets


‘n’ artists cowering in bum shelters,

disfigured into faceless monsters a la


Saddam. I is dead certain

there are more than one confreres there


who write Je est un autre — only we

aren’t allowed to see them, knowem.


Is there such a thing as Iraqi samizdat

how to send ’em secret artists a sign?


Poem newly up at the BookThug blog for Poetry Month

March End PrillEver wondered who the guy on the cover of March End Prill is and what he’s got to do with the book? BookThug has posted  “What the Hell…” that might help clarify the issue, here.

March End Prill reviewed at The Bull Calf Review!

March End Prill reviewed at The Bull Calf Review!

March End Prill sampler

BookThug has just posted a generous sample from March End Prill, readable here.

Hear March End Prill, and other poems, live at Argo Books, 28 March 2012

A recording of a recent reading at Argo Books, Montreal, QC, is now hearable under the “audio” tab.

March End Prill reviewed in The Pacific Rim Review

James Edward Reid provides a sensitive appreciation of March End Prill. Just scroll down to page 36…